Coach Carole Ramblings

Celtic, Mythical and More …


Scoop It! on E-portfolios

Scoop It curations on or about eportfolios are plentiful right now; I’ve gathered a few together for your enjoyment.

Create a Scoop It! for yourself on any topic at:

Please add a comment with other Scoop It! curations on eportfolios or self-directed learning or join my Scoop Its!

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Scoop It: another wave of collecting

I have been gathering more web based resources, posts, blogs, and tweets fro the web using Scoop It. This has proven to be a most exciting and fun way to do some focussed research. Scoop It is fast gaining followers in the EpCoP MOOC and a few people are now following my latest Scoop It publication called Preparing for self-directed learning.

What I like most about Scoop It is that others can suggest additional scoops to add to your Scoop It – this way the publication can grow collaboratively. You can add your own Scoop It as you proceed in the MOOC – gathering up those web-based resources into the one publication for sharing – neat!

Try it its easy, free and fun!


Evaluating facilitation of online events

Facilitating online is a skill that I am still improving on with every new opportunity that arises in my schedule. I am currently facilitating online in discussion forums in several Moodle environments; and here I practice the art of being inclusive, reflective, proactive and constructive in my postings. I regularly facilitate or co-facilitate real time online events, usually in Elluminate; and over the last few years I have done a few hundred of these, so I’m really comfortable with that. The feedback that I receive from my peers and audience in that realm spurs me on and challenges me to try out new strategies. I am regularly called upon to moderate Elluminate webinars/presentations for teachers in schools and ACE organisations – these are part of my core business. I regularly and voluntarily co-moderate sessions for other presenters in the Learn Central network of events under the banner of the Australia Series. During 2010, the team scheduled 45 events for the eT@lking series, a regular event on a Wednesday evening at 8pm AEDT, and I presented and moderated 4 for the Eportfolio Community of Practice – monthly events.


Synchronous (real time) events:

These experiences have given me confidence to present for the Global Education Conference – a free series of Elluminate webinars during the week of November 15-19, 2010. My first GEC presentation is scheduled for November 16 at 11 am and I will be presenting a snapshot of the VET Eportfolios Community of Practice, its conversations, its shared philosophy, its members and its case studies – and most importantly its global links to other eportfolio communities of practice. In preparing for this event I have reflected on the effectiveness of past Elluminate moderation strategies and plan to include as much interactivity as possible – this is the most effective way of engaging the audience. I plan to avoid the Elluminate ‘death by PowerPoint’ and to use innovative application sharing tactics instead. There is a risk attached to this as you probably know, such as the technical and connectivity aspects while sharing your desktop view and speaking at the same time, so I will be aiming to keep this as simple as possible too. Recent successes with the use of a shared googledoc in which the audience can key in responses, ideas or comments whilst viewing this phenomenon live in Elluminate will be utilised. The beauty of this strategy lies in its dynamic and renewable nature and enables the contributors to return to it later for review – no need to copy the whiteboard notes as I’ve done in the past.

Other activities that work well in the Elluminate room include: polling, web tours, games and engaging the audience in conversation rather than presentation. I regularly use Elluminate for online workshops where the participants are learning to use other tools such as Moodle or Mahara – this is not for the faint hearted – it requires a certain amount of confidence with multi-tasking for both facilitator and participant. I do recommend that such ‘virtual’ workshops be used as follow-up strategies for in-house training sessions or as blended regular real time events in course delivery. Scheduling, promoting and reminding of these events is an essential element in their success. For instance you can add the notification of the event with links into your Ning Network or your Moodle course; send out reminder emails and send posts in Twitter.

Careful structure and planning for these real time events is an essential element of their success – I have a collection of useful planning files that I recycle for these events including: participant orientation slides; moderator running sheets; documents with useful links for sharing and evaluation surveys. Uploading these files to online repositories for ease of access wherever I am located has proven invaluable, time and time again. I love Google apps and wikis for this process, as well as, more recently, the DropBox.

Asynchronous (any time) events:

Moodle discussion forums, Google group conversations and Voicethreads are three of the strategies I am exploring in greater depth this year. Each one requires the same amount of careful planning and preparation with notable differences in their implementation. My recent learning from the Facilitating Online program from New Zealand, under the brilliant facilitation of Sarah Stewart has helped me enormously with success in each of these three areas. I’d like to unpack some of the evaluation for these below.

[Note: If you’ve read all the way down to this part of my post, beware there’s a bit more to go. I am beginning to think that this topic probably needs to be published as a downloadable white paper – a task for next year!]

Voicethread: Powerful Portfolio Practices

This Voicethread was produced for the launch (Nov 4) of the VET Eportfolios Community of Practice and has gathered some commentary from members of that community. The structure is meant to portray the full gamit of eportfolio concepts and to entice practitioners to voice their opinions on each one. On reflection there are some missing elements – one of which refused to load properly as a Powerpoint or PD F slide – and others that did not occur to me initially. These can easily be added as further slides and opportunities to comment in the future. A word of caution for other would be Voicethread authors, convert your slides to PDF for a better upload. (Note: I must say the help desk at VT was brilliant in helping me out there.) My take-aways from this experience include: providing guidance for contributors on how to comment; targeting a group of contributors to populate the VT swiftly; collaborate with one or more team members; use a variety of promotional strategies to notify potential contributors and to set the scene; do prepare a guide or a script for your own commentary, but don’t read it verbatim in a radio voice; and finally provide follow-up activities drawing on the conversations in the VT.

My very next Voicethread incorporates a great deal of the above guidance and I’m pleased to say that it will be used as a final group reflection in the ACFE ementor program for 2010. We’ve taken a collaborative approach in scoping the content of the VT, creating the slides, recording the focus questions and skilling the contributors prior to their commentary.

In order to generate more audience feedback on the VTs I plan to generate a poll in the VET Eportfolios Community of Practice, notify its members of the ongoing nature of the VT, and ask them to draw out the issues and post a conversation about them in the EpCoP google group conversations. This process has begun organically already thanks to the postings from Sarah, Colin, Don and Amy.

Conversations: Eportfolio community of practice

This Googlegroup was created in July 2010 to engage Australian eportfolio practitioners in conversations about the process of building, implementing, scaffolding and promoting an eportfolio approach to learning in Australian Vocational Educational and Training organisations. As a funded initiative there were some benefits for the speed by which it was accepted and utilised for the sharing of knowledge and practice in Eportfolios. Initial facilitation of the conversations was required to prompt, challenge or encourage responses from a small number of members. As the group grew in size and we opened it up for wider involvement and promoted it as a global opportunity for shared ideas, there was less required facilitation – the conversations took on a life of its own. Then as the novelty factor wore off and members there was a need to reinvigorate and remind members of our vision and how to take the EpCoP to the next level. The recent launch at the Eportfolio Australia Conference helped to do that – hence the development of the Voicethread – Powerful Portfolio Practices.

Currently we are exploring alternative strategies to move the conversation on to collecting the leading case studies; identifying the gaps in our knowledge exchange; and how to encourage the development of ‘chapters’ of the community where practitioners can promote, report and evaluate their local eportfolio projects. The future of the EpCoP will now depend on the collaborative energies of a team of people to ensure that it continues to fulfil its vision. This will now shape my facilitation role for the next six months and I will need to monitor, stimulate and evaluate the ongoing potential of the community.

Moodle discussion forums: Reflect and Connect

Moodling has become another core element of my business and just recently I’ve drawn on past skills in facilitating any time discussions in the course Reflect and Connect. As this is a funded initiative we are required to keep a blog for the project and this is available at Eliberation2010. In the blog you will see how the facilitators are reflecting on their facilitation roles and this helps to keep our process transparent for all stakeholders. One notable element of our recent posts relates to the exciting, busy and sometimes overwhelming, nature of the discussion forums we’ve put in place for the participants. These threaded discussions feature in each ‘topic’ or section of the course and enable the participants to share their learning, knowledge, ideas and opinions frequently and regularly. The Moodle forum features enable the facilitator to regulate, monitor and view the latest unread posts – essential tools for forum management. The News forum is used each week to provide a summary of the week’s events and to forecast those for the following week. The News Desk forum is more of an announcement tool so does not generate responses and each posting remains clearly in view throughout the course, enabling participants to return to it for their updates and for their Tracking sheets.

In this course we are modelling co-facilitation by the leaders and collaborative facilitation by the participants. The co-facilitation role is rewarding as well as challenging – we are confident that all postings will be read and responded to by one of us in a 24 hour time period, however, we need to have a shared understanding of when and how we post our responses. For this reason we need to conduct weekly facilitator briefing sessions and to provide support documentation such as Facilitator Notes.

  • I would recommend the following reference for those who are currently facilitating online or hope to in the near future: ‘Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners’ Lehman and Conceicao, Jossey-Bass 2010.


Eportfolio Australia Conference 2010

Reflections from a participant!

What did I learn at the EAC held in Melbourne last week? Who did I connect with at the EAC? How did I focus while at the EAC? What impact did the EAC workshops, presentations and networking have on my eportfolio approach?


  • there are differences in the way eportfolios are being implemented by practitioners across the educational spectrum:
    • ‘built in, not bolted on’ – Meaghan Botterill (RMIT, Vic)
    • ‘in the cloud, not within a system’ – Sarah Stewart, (Otago NZ)
    • ‘systematically and strategically’ – Nayomie Baihn (TAFE NSW)
    • ‘purposefully and meaningfully for RPL’ – Liz Grigg (Coonara Community House, Vic)
    • ‘as a vehicle for reflective practice’ – Bronwyn Hegarty, Otago Polytechnic, NZ)
    • ‘as a state based project’ – Bret Eynon, La Guardia Community College
    • ‘threshold concepts of eportfolios, bring troublesome knowledge – Gordon Joyes, JISC, UK

    there are diffferences in how eportfolios are perceived by practitioners along the eportfolio continuum:

    • ‘frameworks for a comprehensive assessment system to make learning visible’ – Evangeline Harris Stefanakis , Boston University
    • ‘Using digital portfolios to remove the cloak of invisibility’ – Bronwyn Hegarty, Otago Polytechnic, NZ)
    • main window of engagement -this is the role of ePortfolios in an adaptive learning framework’, Paul Houghton Polytechnic West
    • ‘eportfolios are disruptive and require mature understanding and planned implementation’ Gordon Joyes, JISC. UK
    • ‘75% of the 2010 student cohort found the ePortfolio a useful tool for reflecting on their learning and professional development’ Elizabetb Smith, University of South Australia


During the two days of keynotes and workshops I found myself connecting with those whose eportfolio language and philosophy resonated for me.

  • AAEEBL is an association I am pleased to be affiliated with under the banner of the VET Eportfolio Community of Practice. The Association for Authentic, Experiential & Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) Members and affiliates help continue the work of educational transformation by focusing on new designs in learning and assessment, on increasing connections among the portfolio community, and on moving toward a more authentic assessment of actual student achievement and progress based on evidence of learning over time.
  • La Guardia Community College is marching ahead of the crowd with their vision of empowerment for learners through eportfolios – I liked and understood their philosophy. Their impact is huge: each year, led by academic faculty, more than 9,000 high risk students enhance their learning with ePortfolios; their new Making Connections National Resource Center, is currently working with more than 30 US campuses, guiding them as they plan and implement advanced ePortfolio projects – now that speaks volumes about their ‘champion’ credibility in the field and dedication to making a difference.
  • The following diagram also gave me a frame of reference for the process of building eportfolios – a useful visual to share with learners:

EPortfolio Model

(Source: Hiebert, 2006 as cited in Hiller et al., 2007; Barrett, 2000; Crane, n.d.; Danielson & Abrutyn, 1997)


I was able to focus my attention on what I heard and saw in the presentations by tweeting out to my followers a synthesis and critical commentary on that content. I’m not sure how helpful those tweets were to others not at the conference – I would like to know – feel free to comment here.

If you want to view all the tweets from the EAC2010 search for #eac2010 in your Twitter account.


When I listened to Gordon Joyes from JISC speak about Effective Practice with Eportfolios, this is what had the most impact on my thinking about implementation of eportfolios:

These threshold concepts, expressed from a design for learning perspective, which assumes a mature understanding of ePortfolio use, are:

  • The purpose needs to be aligned to context to maximise benefits;
  • The learning activity needs to be designed to suit the purpose;
  • Processes needs to be supported technologically and pedagogically;
  • Ownership needs to be student centred;
  • Transformation (disruption) needs to be planned for.

It was interesting talking to Gordon to validate my perspective of eportfolios – he said if you understand the threshold concepts then you have passed through the portal – this appealed to me as I now believe that everyone needs to move towards that level of knowledge about eportfolios – an experiential journey, or a ‘rite of passage’.


What do I know about e-portfolio purpose?

My fourth post in the ‘What do I know about’ series is focussing on the purpose of E-portfolios. In this post I will give you my views and knowledge on the purpose of e-portfolios – learner-driven collections of digital artefacts articulating experiences, achievements and evidence of learning. In later posts I will focus on the e-portfolio process and product (or systems) and how to implement them in your organisation.

Let’s start with Purpose!

That’s a really good phrase to begin talking about WHY you’d create an e-portfolio – it should be purposeful and meaningful to you – and be flexible to meet the needs of your lifelong learning journey. Here’s a few valuable reasons why an e-portfolio is an essential process for you:

  • E-portfolios provide learners with a structured way of recording their learning experiences and work history:
    • develop a holistic overview of your learning, experiences and development beyond individual classes
    • understand your learning and experience in terms of work-readiness
    • extract evidence to demonstrate your learning and achievements
    • identify skill gaps through review of, and reflection on, your e-portfolio content
    • plan, set and review personal development targets.
  • E-portfolios provide professionals with a structured approach to an RPL process for recognition of their prior learning:
  • E-portfolios provide opportunities for critical reflection on learning throughout your lifelong learning journey
  • E-portfolios provide a system for sharing achievements, reflection and evidence with teachers, assessors and employers

If you’d like some short sharp snapshots of e-portfolios for learners, teachers, managers or employees you can download the brochures from

Let’s hear from the e-portfolio practitioners!

I recently created a Voicethread presentation that invites e-portfolio practitioners to record their voiced opinions and advice on the purpose and process of e-portfolios. You can view that VT belo;, make a note to return later to listen to the captured voices on other topics about e-portfolios.

EpCoP Voices

Now let’s view the conversations of the Eportfolio Community of Practice (EpCoP)!

The google group for the EpCoP has begun to mature as a community with a steady pattern of conversations around the following themes:

To access the conversations please go to: – to contribute a posting, you’ll need to join the group – we’d be delighted if you would do that and join the other 90 members.

Note: the Voicethread is my final contribution to the Facilitating Online course and will be a valuable additional tool for the Eportfolio Community of Practice.

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Two i’s and two c’s

Inclusivity is a powerful force for sustaining the purpose of a group; and if harnessed together with collaboration, innovation and connectedness they will ensure that the group will become a network and finally a community of practice.

So I’ve coined a new acronym: ICIC – two i’s two c’s – inclusive, collaborative, innovative and connected as the driving force for the EpCoP.


When I am joining a new group/network online, I need to feel that my views are valued and that it is ‘safe’ to post. In other words I want to feel included.

How do we ensure that all feel included in the EpCoP?


As a facilitator I feel that there is a fine line between ‘driving’ and ‘collaborating’ to get things done. A little of each goes a long way. The googlegroup has enabled eportfolio practitioners to immediately collaborate in the sharing of conversations.  So I’m pleased with its results. Are you?

What should we now do to improve the collaboration between practitioners in the googlegroup?


Eportfolios have been around for some years now in different formats in many different countries and in a variety of educational environments. What is innovative about them now in this decade?

What is innovative about the way we now see eportfolios in education?


As a network of like-minded people the Eportfolio Community of Practice seeks to connect the ‘community of practitioners’ effectively. However there is likely to be a wide range of ‘connectedness’ preferred by its members. Some will want to read and absorb, others will want to ask questions (small and large) and get answers, yet others will want to form further connections around similarities of eportfolio practice.

What would you be seeking to gain as a member of the Eportfolio Community of Practice? What are your drivers for connectedness?

What questions would you like to ask about Eportfolios? Are you at the beginning of your journey in implementing them? or Are you already embedding them in your organisation?

All questions are relevant and welcome. You can simply add them here in comments or directly to the Eportfolio Conversations.

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EpCoP: Exist for a reason!

I am inspired to write today for a couple of reasons:

a) the learning I am gaining from my participation in the Facilitating Online course at Wikieducator.  (the prescribed activities in particular and the links to the blogs of other participators – to help shape my planning and research)

b) the truisms provided in this article at O’ on Building Online Communities. (I liked this opening truism from Chromatic:  Cultivate a community, and you’ll attract eyeballs and ears willing to read and to listen to your message. Encourage discussion, and you’ll attract people willing to share their own messages.)

During the initial weeks of ‘drawing in eportfolio enthusiasts’ I am learning the power of discussion once more as the conversations ramp up another notch here. I am mindful of the many facets of the role of the facilitator and find that I have an immediate urge to answer these from my perspective straight away. Allowing the group to ‘shape’ the conversations is a necessary part of the building of community so some ‘holding back’ is also necessary.

This next truism from Chromatic was a real AHA moment for me as we move to the next phase of the building of the EpCoP:

Exist For a Reason

You must know why your site exists. Otherwise, you cannot judge the effectiveness of any policy. Worse yet, how will visitors know if they want to join the community? What benefit does a user derive from participating? Why should anyone care? Without an underlying goal, it’s extremely difficult to guide users in constructive ways.

So that leads me to this question: Why will our EpCoP exist?

One way to explore that in real time is to discuss our purpose in our first meeting. Another way is to include that question in some observations and conversations happening any time.

There are some national drivers behind the establishment of this EpCoP including those of the funding and guiding body, Australian Flexible Learning Framework (AFLF), through the E-portfolios and E-Standards , as well as those drivers that exist within the groups and networks.

What I’m most interested in is finding out what drivers exist in the individuals who have joined or will join the EpCoP in the future. I suspect that there will be layers of interest and layers of participation depending on what will work best for the individuals. For example, followers of this blog may choose to leave comments or tweet about it, for that short grab; others will want to have those deeper conversations with others; and as we develop a web space, there will be many more who wish to find resources, links, opportunities, networks and learning on a ‘choose your own’ basis.

So to clarify, this blog enables the short grabs; the conversations enable the deeper immersion and the web space will provide a launching place for other connections.

So what will appeal to you? What reasons for existence of the EpCoP will appeal to you?

Comments are welcome here as usual. Your  contributions (light or deep) are welcome in the conversations. Your interactions are now welcomed in the planning googlesite.


Eportfolios: the EpCoP takes shape!

During July a ‘collection’ of eportfolio thought leaders have joined and contributed to the first set of Eportfolio Conversations. These conversations are happening in a Google Group and you can now apply to join at:

I have now scheduled an inaugural meeting (Elluminate Live sessions) at this address in LearnCentral. The meeting will be held in the Australia Series Elluminate room at 4.00 pm GMT+10 on Monday August 30.

1. Welcome and introductions
2. Purpose and planning for EpCoP – domain, practice and community
3. Quick Snapshots of eportfolio practices – please bring your ‘ep’ stories to present or share
4. Other discussions – please send in other agenda items to the Eportfolio Conversations group linked above.

Please place this event in your diaries! You may wish to join the Australia Series group so that you can login to see the date and time for you in your time zone and register for the event.

Here’s a link to show Time Zones for this fixed time:…

You do not have to join LearnCentral to participate you can simply
join us at this address on the day if you prefer:…

We now welcome all eportfolio practitioners to join us for the live meeting online and to continue the conversations.


Eportfolios : a new community of practice!

Late breaking news: Coach Carole will facilitate a collaborative project to plan, establish, manage and monitor a new community of practice for eportfolio practitioners in adult education in Australia.

We, that is – you and every Eportfolio practitioner in education in Australia – will soon be able to link up, connect and network about your favourite topic Eportfolios. Right now, we need your help to collaborate on the building of a community of practice around the following criteria :

  1. domain – purpose and a method of learning together, a domain of enquiry, leadership and relationship
  2. practice – sharing our practices, knowledge, learning from and with each other, learning through common activities, and learning from sources outside the community
  3. community – supportive, socialising, collaborative, participative, cooperative membership of a diverse and engaging dominion

We can network widely on the establishment on this CoP in a variety of formats. First we’d like to hear from the eportfolio practitioners themselves in some shared conversations. Then we would like you to participate in an online workshop early in September to help scope the process, the events and the sharing. If you’d like to be included in the new GoogleGroup: Eportfolio conversations please contact me at: or post a comment below.

  • we need an enthusiastic ‘group’ of eportfolio practitioners
  • we need a purpose for our domain, some structure for our practice and a space for our community
    • We’ll need blogs, forums, events and resources to suit your eportfolio practices, experiences and stories.
    • We’ll need to be able to post, reply, schedule and share with easy to use navigation and interface design.
    • Most of all, we’ll need to be able to scan, read and navigate across all areas of a CoP without the need to login; and to become a member, contribute and share in one easy step.

I am using my participation in the Facilitating Online free professional development with Sarah Stewart and a huge group of like minded people to help scope and breathe life into this project of mine. If you are interested in following the experiences of this international group, please visit the Wikieducator space, follow Sarah’s blog and setup a hashtag in your Tweetdeck for #FO2010.

I am now pulling in some guides on the side to help with the process of building our EpCoP. One of those is Nancy White, whom many of you will know. I’m particularly pleased to add this latest link to her series of blog articles on Stewarding Technologies for Community

What are your thoughts about an Eportfolio CoP?

Please post a Comment here to express an interest in the CoP!

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AeP Symposium 2 : Graduate Attributes

ePortfolios as a tool to articulate graduate attributes – we’re now listening to Simon Barrie, Associate Professor University of Sydney, who is giving us the ‘systems’ perspective:

At ALTC the critical focus their EP project is on being student centred – The National GAP – need to check the website about their project work:

Claire Hughes, University of Queensland, talks to us about 3 illustratve issues: conceptulisation, assessment and student-centredness.

conceptualisation – affordances: EPs reflect a perspective of Graduates; consistency of Graduate Attributes (GA) terminology.

Q for audience: What examples of ePortfolios as affordances of GA implementation can you share from your own experience? Any examples of EPs as barriers?
A. issues reported back from audience: needing conversations with students to foster EP practices; Graduate Attributes seem to be another form of compliance imposed by University; missed opportunities for Uni’s to situate EPs at the centre of their GAs. GAs often seen as motherhood statements – not operationalised, an EP could be used to do this. e.g. Global citizenship – should this be an assessable skill – perhaps self awareness of attributes of a wider nature can grow through the use of an EP.

(Note: I think I am beginning to understand this precept!)

More later ….

To help in understanding this project here is the abstract from the website:

The AeP project has demonstrated the potential of ePortfolios to support
teaching and learning activities in higher education in various ways. This
paper explores the potential of ePortfolios to support student development of
Graduate Attributes (GA) by considering the AeP findings in relation to factors
identified as key influences on the effectiveness of GA policy implementation.
Eight influential factors were identified through the National GAP project (an
scoping of Graduate Attribute practice in Australian universities)
– conceptualisation, implementation approach, staff development, quality
assurance, curriculum, assessment, stakeholders and studentcenteredness.
The way in which these interrelated
factors are operationalised determines
the extent to which each constitutes either an affordance or barrier to GA
implementation. Three factors are selected for consideration in this paper in
order to illustrate the potential of ePortfolios as tools to support the
development of graduate attributes. Conceptualisation, assessment and
are analysed to explicate their significance as influences
on the development of GAs and to identify related ePortfolio applications or
practices that are likely to constitute affordances or barriers. Participants will
be invited to contribute to the discussion through sharing experiences and
examples from their own educational contexts.